Then they laugh the haughty laugh of the person who knows
how to date.
I turned to my wife for help, but she refused.
It turns out she has the same problem.
Now I'm going public.
I call this affliction 'Calendar Dyslexia' - the inability to write dates
in the correct order.
In America, I was raised to write the month, then the date, and then the
So, July 4th, 1976 would be written as 07/04/76, always and
Or so I thought.
But it appears that the format of Julius Caesar's favorite calendar isn't
set in stone.
Like the 'real' definition of democracy, the best ingredients of a pizza,
or the pronunciation of the word 'probably', there is a lack of
international agreement on the correct way to render any given date.|
Is it month, date, and year?
Or is it date, month, and year?
Or does the year come first?
Hence, my confusion…
Therefore, I have tried to hide my problem.
When I add my signature to a document, I copy the format that the person
above me used.
Or, if there's enough space, I just write out the whole date - July 4th,
But forms are my mortal enemy.
Forms force me to assign numbers to boxes - xx/xx/xx - in a version of
Julian roulette.|
The result of this is, of course, frustration and
For example, a member of the local management team came
to me last week holding a form that was entirely in Japanese. I had filled
out my personal information on that form. He stood there struggling,
unsuccessfully, to suppress his giggles and asked if I was really born in
Oops. Looks like I got the right numbers in the wrong
boxes. Again.
So I looked at him and said, "Yes. 1925. And I'm a little upset that
headquarters hasn't sent me my retirement package yet. Would you mind
looking into that for me?"
Sometimes I use sarcasm as a defense mechanism.
Fortunately, there's a little bit of relief on the way.
This New Year's day marks the first time in 88 years that it will be
impossible to screw up the dating game.
That's right, in every single country that uses the Julian calendar,
you'll be able to write "01/01/01".
And for the following 11 years, there will be one day each year that
allows us that same peace of mind.
It may not seem like much, but I will not waste this opportunity. I plan
to enter a country that day, just so I can fill out the visa paperwork
without fear.
In fact, we should declare a new floating holiday.
We can call it - Expat's Day!